Monday, March 27, 2006

A town as in a Western

Empty dusty streets, a dog barking in the distance and some Coca Cola cans being blown around in the wind. This is the town of Sutherland at 10.30u on a Sunday morning. We arrive in our bakkie (pick-up truck) in the search for some coffee and petrol, but everything is closed. The lights at the two bed&breakfasts are off and the gasstation is locked up tightly. There is a sign thats says that it will be open on Sundays from 11.30-12.00u. We drive around the couple of streets until we finally see some movement in one of the guesthouses. No, no coffee or breakfast on Sundays, the maid says, we are closed on Sunday. If we want food we should go to Andres Kaffee on the other side of town. But he will only open his store at 11 o'clock, after church. What about petrol? There is one gas station here and it will also open after church, she says. Of course, that explains the remarkable trading hours. We drive towards Andres Kafee. A handful of people is already waiting. Here and there groups of people appear in the streets. Aha, church must be out! A minute later the door of the Kaffee is openend. It turns out to be a small supermarket, which gets it Kafee-status from a little corner where it sells some pastries. Not on Sundays though. Our hopes for a cup of coffee are shattered and we get some water and crackers. At the gas station there's a small queue of cars. Apparently more people take advantage of the half an hour of trading. We wait for the guy to fill up our bakkie. Yes, he accepts credit cards, only he doesn't really know how to work the card-machine. We show him, get into bakkie and drive off to the nearest town. Hopefully in a 120 km we will be able to get some coffee.


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