Thursday, March 02, 2006

Still counting...(updated)

I can't give an outcome of the local elections yet. The counting still continues. Although it looks like 49% of the voters went to cast their vote. Not a very high score for a country that has a democracy for only eleven years. The ANC has won most of the town and cities, but Cape Town is yet indecisive. The latest news is that the ballots of 500 stations still have to be count here.

PS (March 9, 2006) Surprise, surprise...the ANC has won the elections!
Nationwide they got 70,3% of the vote. The biggest opposition party Democratic Alliance (DA) got 13,8 and the Inkatha Freedom Party from Chief Buthelezi got 4,2%.
Cape Town had a quite remarkable outcome. The DA won the city by getting 41,85% of the votes. The ANC " only" got 37,91%. The difference between the nationwide outcome and the local one in Cape Town can be explained by the fact that the DA got a lot of the coloureds to vote for them. There are a lot of coloured* people in Cape Town (and the rest of the Western Cape province) in comparision to the rest of the country. They are not happy with the ANc anymore, because they seem to cater more for the black people then the coloured.

*This basically includes everyone who isn't downright black or white or Indian: a mixture of malay, indian, white, black and people who descend from the indigenous San or Khoikhoi people.


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