Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Black, black, black

And then everything went black and i couldn't do anything anymore.....black house, black city and black computerscreen....
For the last three weeks we are experiencing the most awful powercuts in Cape Town. Not just one that lasts for three hours, gets fixed and doesn't occur anymore, oh no..... These powercuts happen every day and last for about 4 to 8 hours a day. The sudden boost of electricity when the power gets switched back on made our television screen pink and worst of all; made the computer crash. Everything gone! Pictures, word-documents, you name it, we lost it!
The reason for all of this is one broken powerplant and one that can't supply the demand for power on it's own. The shortage will last until June.
The economic damage is huge. The total estimated loss is already 1 billion rand (134 million euro) and that doesn't include the money I paid to get my laptop fixed! But besides from the business-losses there where other hardships to endure i.e. it's 20.00u, you're about to put your rented DVD on (a brand new release you actually fought for in the videostore) and FLOOP! there goes the power, or what to think about not being able to get the one Big Mac you allow yourself to have that year because the doors of the MacDonalds can't open, or being a student and wanting to get a nice cool drink after a boring lecture by candlelight and the cafe's can't open their shields (see picture).
What can one do? Play a game, read by candlelight or have sex. The last picture shows you with what option we went.


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